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Creepy Photos That Canʼt Make You Sleep Well

Some of these photos are part of a history we may not know about. However, instead of being amazed, you might actually think these photos are scary.
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The Sickening Human Experiments Of Unit 731.
The Sickening Human Experiments Of Unit 731.

Photos can capture a variety of moments from events so that they can be remembered for a long time. With photos, we can see the history in them and look at events in ancient times. If you delve deeper, there are so many historical photos that show the mysterious and sinister dark side.

Some of these photos are part of a history we may not know about. However, instead of being amazed, you might actually think these photos are scary.

Frilled Shark

The jaws of a Frilled Shark.
The jaws of a Frilled Shark.

This terrible creature lives on the bottom of the sea. Itʼs a frilled shark or frayed shark. Even though it was never seen, this sharkʼs referred to as a living fossil. You can find this creature at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean. Regarding how to hunt or how to find shark prey on this one, the researchers assume that this shark moves like a snake. It will lunge at the prey, and then eat the prey alive.

Russian Famine

Russian Famine, 1921-1922.
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Russian Famine, 1921-1922.

The Russian famine of 1921–1922 is known as the Povolzhye (Поволжье) famine, which occurred in Bolshevik, Russia. World War I and the civil war also caused more than 30 million people to be malnourished in Russia.

Political policies in the country at that time also aggravated the famine. This famine in Russia afflicted especially the peasants. Starving peasants were even seen digging up newly buried corpses to retrieve their meat, as well as eating grass and animals previously thought to be pets.

Lipstick Killer

A message written with lipstick on the wall by William Heirens.
A message written with lipstick on the wall by William Heirens.

William George Heirens, also known as the Lipstick Killer, is a serial killer from America. He was found guilty in 1946 after he confessed to killing three people between June 1945 and January 1946. He got a nickname for the famous message written in lipstick at the scene.

For heavens sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control myself.

Raised in a poor and dysfunctional family, Heirens began to commit crimes when he was a child. However, he hoarded all his loot, never selling any of it.

Mummified Victims of Moskvin

A victim of Anatoly Moskvin.
A victim of Anatoly Moskvin.

A man from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia named Anatoly Moskvin shocked the world with the act of theft of corpses. It said he had looted at least 500 funerals and retrieved 29 bodies of girls to take to his apartment. In fact, in his 2011 testimony, he never admitted guilt.

Joseph Göbbels And The “Eyes Of Hate”

Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Göbbels.
Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Göbbels.

Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Göbbels, looked cheerful and unconcerned when he first met photographer Alfed Eisenstaedt. In a close-up photo, this Third Reich politician was caught on camera smiling at a League of Nations meeting in Geneva in September 1933.

But when Göbbels knew that LIFE magazine photographer Eisenstaedt was a Jew, his expression was completely different. Furthermore, when Eisenstaedt approached Göbbels to photograph him, the politicianʼs expression was very different.

Instead of smiling, he pouted towards the camera. The photo with his hateful look and tense posture exuding hostility was then famous.

The Frozen Corpse Of 19th-Century Sailor John Torrington

The Body of John Torrington.
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The Body of John Torrington.

This is the body of John Torrington, a young sailor who perished alongside over 100 others in the doomed Franklin Expedition of 1845. The expedition was meant to be an historic voyage to locate the elusive and lucrative Northwest Passage to Asia through the Arctic. Instead, it was one of the most harrowing maritime disasters of the 19th century, as some 130 sailors became trapped in Arctic ice and froze, starved, or cannibalized each other to death. Nobody knew quite where the men had died until Torringtonʼs corpse was discovered by researchers in 1986, buried under ice on Beechey Island in the Canadian Arctic.

The Last Photo Of Jolee Callan

Jolee Callan when hiking in Cheaha.
Jolee Callan when hiking in Cheaha.

On August 30, 2015, Jolee Callan and her ex Loren Bunner went hiking in Cheaha State Park in Alabama. Callan was 18 years old and preparing to leave town for college in a few weeks, but she agreed to go on the hike with her ex-boyfriend who was feeling frustrated. Unbeknownst to Callan, Bunner had brought a gun with him. While Callan was admiring the scenery, Bunner shot her in the head and then disposed of her body over the 40-foot cliff seen in this photograph. This picture is the last known photograph of Callan, taken by Bunner moments before he murdered her.

The Secret Bondage Photos Of The BTK Killer

Rader had taken pictures of himself in the same equipment that he used on some of his victims.
Rader had taken pictures of himself in the same equipment that he used on some of his victims.

Dennis Rader, a Boy Scout troop leader and church council president, appeared to be a devoted husband and proud father of two. However, unbeknownst to anyone, he was also a serial killer who murdered 10 people in and around Wichita, Kansas between 1974 and 1991. Rader dubbed himself the “BTK Killer” because of his pattern to “Bind,” “Torture,” and “Kill.” In 2005, Rader was finally captured. Authorities then discovered a hidden collection of bondage photographs, including the one displayed here.

The Last Portrait Of The Lawson Family

Lawson family portrait.
Lawson family portrait.

Although it seems like an ordinary family photo, this snapshot was taken only a few days before the patriarch, Charlie Lawson (the man standing second from the right), killed everyone shown in this picture on Christmas Day in 1929. Only Arthur, the 16-year-old seen in the top left corner, managed to survive the massacre.

The Mouth Of A Leatherback Sea Turtle

The mouth of a leatherback sea turtle.
The mouth of a leatherback sea turtle.

Although it may resemble something from a science fiction film, this is actually the mouth of a leatherback sea turtle. This type of turtle is the largest of its species and can grow up to eight feet long, weighing as much as 2,000 pounds. Unlike other turtles, the leatherback doesnʼt have a hard shell. Instead of teeth, it has numerous papillae that give its mouth, esophagus, and gut a demonic appearance.

The Human Skin Gloves Of Ed Gein

Gein using his victims body parts to create furniture.
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Gein using his victims body parts to create furniture.

The heinous crimes committed by Ed Gein in the mid-1950s were so disturbingly gruesome that they inspired works such as The Chainsaw Massacre and Psycho. Gein, who lived in Plainfield, Wisconsin, not only robbed graves but also murdered innocent women, using their body parts to create furniture and clothing. The true extent of his depravity was only revealed upon his arrest in 1957 when the police searched his home and found mutilated bodies, bowls made of skulls, and a lampshade crafted from a personʼs face. They also discovered gloves made entirely of human skin.

The Snaggle-Toothed Snake-Eel

The snake-eel with its jagged teeth.
The snake-eel with its jagged teeth.

The snake-eel with its jagged teeth is considered one of the most frightening creatures on the planet. Whatʼs particularly chilling about these animals is that they can grow up to three feet in length and are often found in tropical waters, sometimes at depths as shallow as 16 feet. This specific specimen was caught near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in 2018, and its eyes appear to be bulging out, adding to its already terrifying appearance, possibly due to exposure to the elements.

The Great Gorge Of Ruth Glacier

The Great Gorge of Alaskaʼs Ruth Glacier.
The Great Gorge of Alaskaʼs Ruth Glacier.

Photographer Aaron Hueyʼs legs are seen dangling over the edge of the Great Gorge of Alaskaʼs Ruth Glacier, which happens to be the deepest glacial gorge in the world. Portions of the hole are over a thousand years old, and it measures a staggering 3,700 feet deep. The only thing standing between Huey and an endless fall into the abyss is an ice sheet that he chose to trust. As he later admitted, the possibility of a perilous slide into an icy demise was all too easy to imagine.

The Mummified Corpse Of Manfred Fritz Bajorat

The mummified body of Manfred Fritz Bajorat.
The mummified body of Manfred Fritz Bajorat.

On February 25, 2016, fishermen in the Philippines came across a yacht that appeared to be deserted, but upon further inspection, they discovered a mummified body on board. The authorities found documents nearby that helped identify the man as Manfred Fritz Bajorat, an experienced German sailor who was found slumped over his desk. Itʼs believed that he died while attempting to use the radio, possibly to call for help. To this day, it remains a mystery how he passed away or how he remained naturally mummified in the same position where he died.

An Explorerʼs Final Photo Before Being Cannibalized By A Remote Tribe

The last photo of Michael Rockefeller.
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The last photo of Michael Rockefeller.

Michael Rockefeller, seen in the center, was the son of Nelson Rockefeller, former Governor of New York and later the Vice President of the United States. Born into a wealthy and privileged family, Michaelʼs life took a gruesome turn when he journeyed to Papua New Guinea in the early 1960s. Itʼs believed that the Asmat people, who were notorious for practicing cannibalism and beheading their victims, may have killed and consumed the young explorer during one of his expeditions.

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