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Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020?

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QR Code Scanner (Brett Jordan/Unsplash).

Remember Bill Gates’ initiative, Agenda ID2020?

What we are confronted with now is much worse. It’s Agenda ID2020 on steroids. It’s the worldwide invasion of the QR code – QR coding of everything, including Agenda ID2020 – and all of your most intimate data, health, personal behaviors, habits – track records of where we have been and even where we may be planning to go. Nothing will escape the QR code. Nobody talks about it.

It’s been quietly sneaking into our lives, quietly, persistently – but by now almost unavoidably.

“What is the infamous ID2020? It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized (Covid) “vaccination” as a platform for digital identity. … The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity.”

Agenda ID2020 aims at connecting everything with everything, eventually covering and connecting data from the planet’s 7.9 billion people, gradually building up individual, as well as societal data banks, including your highly personal data, bank account information, work information, behavioral trends, criminal records, relations with friends and family – an endless stream of everything that may be linked to an individual, or groups of individuals, and that may be watched and controlled.

See The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”. Vaccination as a Platform for “Digital Identity” and Agenda ID2020 of the “One World Order”: The 101 to Understanding Its Implications.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of Toronto police headquarters for a demonstration against mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations on Thursday, the day after Premier Doug Ford announced a vaccine passport plan. Protests have also been held in other Canadian cities (Evan Mitsui/CBC).
Hundreds of people gathered in front of Toronto police headquarters for a demonstration against mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations on Thursday, the day after Premier Doug Ford announced a vaccine passport plan. Protests have also been held in other Canadian cities (Evan Mitsui/CBC).

An intense and as we know by now, coercive, even forced “vaccination” program against a virus that does not exist, accompanied by a well-studied psychological fear drive, day-in day-out, 24/7, attempting to bring people to their knees.

It’s been going on for two years. The media in charge of this campaign has been exceedingly subsidized and corrupted by the respective governments and would one or the other of these bought media fall off the bandwagon, their existence would be wiped out in a flicker.

Forced mask wearing – dangerous, as the masks prevent the absorption of vital oxygen – and social distancing are lowering people’s self-esteem, making them even more submissive and obedient.

The government lies to the people in order to get them as soon as possible and as often as possible “vaxxed” with a so-called mRNA gene-modifying and electro-magnetic killer substance that contains graphene oxide.

This video is imported from VK.

This poisonous substance will literally kill people (see this – Spanish “Fifth Column’s” findings). It is in itself a premeditated crime of unheard-of proportions, a crime against humanity. It reminds of the post-WWII Nuremberg trials of 1945-1946.

The tyranny and atrocity that has taken place over the past two years is unique in human history. It spans across the globe and, thus, in several regards surpasses the horrendous crimes of war.

The QR Code

While Agenda ID2020 has been silently adopted by most countries as a first phase of this monster surveillance program of the vaxx survivors, the time has come to universalize Agenda ID2020 into an all-encompassing uniform worldwide digitized platform called “Quick Response”, or QR code. Google calls it a barcode on steroids.

While the barcode holds information horizontally, the QR code does so both horizontally and vertically. This enables the QR code to hold exponentially more information than a barcode.

Screenshot “The QR Code is everywhere, but where did it come from?” (GOVTECH Singapore).
Screenshot “The QR Code is everywhere, but where did it come from?” (GOVTECH Singapore).

And here lays the danger: the QR code can accommodate literally all the information your life has ever produced or accumulated in a single square code, unreadable to the bare eye. It can be read only electronically by a digitized QR code reader which is set to read only specific data, as required by the authority concerned. Only the QR code central management system can read all the data.

Data Management

Mind you, in an ever more neoliberal world, outsourcing or what is euphemistically called public-private-partnership (PPP) has become the order of the day. It is very well possible that a PPP arrangement is made by a government with a large private sector agency or agencies, such as private banking and/or the insurance industry. Imagine, your personal, including very intimate private data, in the hands of a bank or insurance company. Unbelievable. But no longer very far-fetched.

The private sector may even trade it for money. Never mind the type of contract they sign with their government, in a lawless world as we have reached in just about two years, everything is possible.

No legal system works, as we are seeing everyday. No lawsuit against the current tyranny is accepted by any judge, as they are afraid of “punishment”. They have all been warned. So have all the medical and science professionals who want to stay within the system – and keep earning their and their families’ sustenance. They are being blackmailed or coerced to betray us, we the People.

The law and ethics are gone. No illusions. We are alone out there. And in many ways, that’s good, as long as we are aware and awake, and start depending on our own ingenuity, not on a corrupt system, hoping senselessly their masters will help us. Instead, we must take our lives in our own hands, search for alternatives. Breaking out of The Matrix. Take the red pill.

The system we have today will never help Us, the People. Never. To the contrary, the tarnished tenants forming the backbone of the “system”, for their sheer survival, they keep betraying Us, their colleagues and co-citizens. That’s what makes it so hard to believe. The very people we pay with our taxes are so miserably betraying us. They are trying to sell us out to the compulsory and deadly vaxx machine.

Even though, most if not all the medical doctors and scientists who opted for the blue pill (the conformists of The Matrix, movie) and whom we consult for our health, know what these so-called vaxxes do – they know, these poison concoctions result in mortality and morbidity. Are they are part of a “depopulation” initiative? Are they complicit with the system, against us?

Over the past 10 to 15 years, the QR code has gradually and silently been stealing its way into every corner of our lives. The vaxx pass, whether “vaccinated” or healed from Covid, or by having to take – or being scared into taking – multiple PCR tests, at every occasion, has been an argument to give each one of us world citizens a personalized QR code.

No matter how invalid the PCR tests are, they are pushed on us – you can’t enter any restaurants, any supermarket, any cinema, any closed area, and the list goes on, without a PCR test. So, the multiple PCR test results will be put on our individual QR code.

Nobody is really interested in the PCR test, but they are perfect pretexts to expand the data base on our QR code – where and why did we take the test?

Dr. Kary Mullis
Dr. Kary Mullis

The inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, Dr. Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winning biochemist, said way before Covid appeared on the horizon, that the PCR method was not meant to test for diseases and especially for viruses. On 7 August 2019, he was mysteriously found dead in his apartment.

This was only a few months before Event 201 (18 October 2019, in NYC) which effectively launched SARS-CoV-2, alias Covid-19.

Did the players of Event 201 already plan to use this useless test to drive up the SARS-Cov-2 “infections”, enhance the Covid statistics and spread fear – fear to facilitate the deadly vaxx drive?

The German virologist Dr. Christian Drosten, also known as the Coronavirus Czar, as part of the bought scientific clan, had indeed soon after the launching of SARS-CoV-2 decided that the PCR method was to be used massively, but massively, for the testing of the Covid virus in people, including in children as young as five years, no matter whether they had any symptoms or not.

According to real science, even including WHO and CDC, the test produces a 97% false positives. But the steamroller of the ruthless, inhuman and lawless governments pays no attention to the truth. The masters of deception continue pushing ahead with their PCR and vaxx drive, relentlessly – to increase the Covid statistics and eventually the “Covid death toll”.

The QR code is instrumental in perpetuating the lies about Covid.

By now, the QR code is everywhere

Virtually all citizens of at least the western world have a personalized QR code. It holds more, much more than health data. Payments can increasingly be made only through a QR coded message via a cell phone. Restaurants don’t give you anymore written menus. You have to scan a QR code on your smart phone. It’s all for your safety. You don’t touch potentially virus infected paper. In museums, parks, anywhere you go and want to read an information related to what you are watching, you have to scan a QR code.

The same with cash – in some places cash is no longer accepted. Official reason: Paper money and coins could be virus-infected. Digital money to be paid via QR code is the solution. People go for it. It’s so cool; just swipe your QR code in front of a payment device. The money is instantly deducted from your electronic bank account.

What (most) people do not realize is that every time you scan a QR code, it’s registered on your personalized QR code. In other words, you’re traceable wherever you go. They, the masters that be, know at every moment, real time, where you are, what you are doing, what you are buying, whether you buy an air ticket.

If you don’t behave according to the “system’s” values, they can turn off your money stream. They can indefinitely block your money or simply take it out of your account. You are totally at their mercy — enslaved. If not already, then soon, with the graphene oxide in your body, you are manipulable with the infamous and dangerous 5G ultra-short waves. Sooner or later, the QR code will be in our body, remotely accessible by artificial intelligence (AI) or robots.

You may then convert from a human to a transhuman, what Klaus Schwab – the WEF Czar — had already predicted in 2016 in an interview with Swiss French TV (first section of video below).

Video: Towards Digital Tyranny with Peter Koenig

This video is imported from Bitchute.

Click here to link to Bitchute version.

What if you have taken the red pill and resist the mind manipulations? They may turn you off. Literally. Remotely. Your family would never know what happened.

We are not there yet. As it looks like today, it is almost impossible to get rid of the QR code. Yet we have to find ways to escape it. It may mean working towards an alternative society, detached from OWO slavehood that may descend on us, before we know it, if we keep going along with “mandates” and the all-encompassing QR code.

What can we do? We have to wake up, and those of us who are awake, help others to make that step forward and out of the comfort zone.

In parallel we have to bring the perpetrators to justice. This movement is already under way by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the head of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Reiner Fuellmich just announced that he and a team of lawyers, scientists and witnesses are about to launch a Grand Jury, either at the International Criminal Court (ICC), The Hague, or in a newly created Court of Justice with judges who are not beholden to the dark masters of crime.

And also simultaneously, we may have to start building a new civilization, with new societies, a new beginning, outside and totally detached of the current system. This may be the biggest challenge because it will require sacrifices. It may cause misery and famine, and even death for some. Such losses may be the price as part of winning the war, if we are to escape the current flow of things – the impending One World Order – and the consequential tyranny – and enslavement, the dehumanization.

Nothing is impossible. “Venceremos!” The tide is turning – and we are entering a period of light, a bright light of a transparent new civilization, with human rights, with respect for each other and in solidarity. We may succeed, if we all put into our heads the positive and relentless thinking of VENCEREMOS – we shall overcome. Willpower, an element of quantum science, is invincible.



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